Schlagwort-Archive: my life


I like the saying which expresses how time can be different: A minute which you spend in front of the toilet door is much longer than the minute which you spent already behind sitting on the toilet :-) Weiterlesen

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Going up again

When I was down in the dumps, feeling really depressed, I would say the worst thing about it was the fact I was going down as I could not see where it could end. Now, I think I have already been going up finally. It is painful, so much painful that I guess nobody can imagine. I have been struggling with so many problems, trying just to ignore them and go up and up… Weiterlesen

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New troubles- new start…

As a disabled person you face not only the change of your entire health. You also have to face the system and the other people which can be quite tough sometimes. Most people have no idea what it means to be disabled and what everything is included in it. Weiterlesen

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