Friends – next part

Susan, Denisa, Jarka are special women. Everyone can bet on this. Susan became my roommate after Zdenka had left. Smiling Susan, I could call her. Most of the time she was in a good mood and she was making funny comments to all what happened around us. She was a great support to me especially during the ward rounds. There was one every early afternoon with the doctor who was responsible for our floor and once in two weeks there was a big ward round done by the boss of the rehabilitation centre. The everyday ones were ok for me, but the main ones became step by step a nightmare for me. Right during the first the boss who saw me the first time in his life was really unpleasant to me. He rebuked me for sitting back on the bed while I was waiting for him to come. He said that this was completely unsuitable position for my back although I tried to explain him that this position is the one in which I was able to get rid of the pain. I have to say right here, that I was rebuked many times for this sitting during the first stay in the rehabilitation centre while being there the second time, they were more than satisfied with me regarding this position while being on the bed. It is quite difficult to know then, what is the right thing to do, when you get opposite instructions J

Beside this he was not satisfied that just before his coming I was working on my computer, so during his check-up, my laptop was lying on the bed next to me (he never said anything to those ones on the fifth floor who were considered as VIP ones for this). Furthermore he disliked the fact that progressively my left leg was getting worse which he considered as my own fault with a comment that I had not been doing the rehabilitation in full and that I was lazy. I guess I do not have to say that I felt like an idiot and really ashamed after those check-ups as usually lots of staff from the rehabilitation centre was coming with him. I might be wrong, but I think that no patient should face such behaviour, even not from the boss of such a big centre which helps hundreds of people a year. In my opinion things can be said without offending anyone, in a polite way and in a way which shows the patient that the doctor really cares for him/her.

I will write again about this man, but later as I had a few more conflicts with him during my second stay.

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