Monats-Archive: Oktober 2012

Next part of the treatment

Next part of the treatment was standing up or firstly sitting up. Maybe you think it is nothing hard, but then you are wrong. This was really difficult especially because of low orthostatic pressure and the fact that the first time they sat me up I was still having the drainage system in my lungs. Weiterlesen

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The Treatment

The other part of the whole treatment is a rule that each patient after backbone surgery cannot go home other way than by an ambulance. This idea is not bad. However, not bad until you see the ambulance with which you have to go home. First of all, there is never just one patient there. To use the ambulance economically the ambulance must be always full. This means that they take all patient who go the same direction, but to different town. Weiterlesen

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Intensive Care – Part 2

In the end I spent almost three weeks in the intensive care. I am still really grateful that the stuff there allowed me to have my cell phone and laptop by my side… Having these two things my time there was running much faster. Weiterlesen

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