Schlagwort-Archive: work

Going up again 2

What really helps me every day is the people around me, especially when they are in a good mood, work routine, exercising and walks which I have been doing as often as I can. Walking calms me down and while walking it seems like nothing changed in my life. I am fully aware of the fact I cannot do things as I used them to do, so everything is different, but I am trying not to concentrate on what I have lost Weiterlesen

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Going up again

When I was down in the dumps, feeling really depressed, I would say the worst thing about it was the fact I was going down as I could not see where it could end. Now, I think I have already been going up finally. It is painful, so much painful that I guess nobody can imagine. I have been struggling with so many problems, trying just to ignore them and go up and up… Weiterlesen

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