The fourth week in hospital

New week started and there is still only little news which says rather nothing to me and it does not solve my situation at all. However, I am not the only one in such a situation. There are many women who are really very similar – just waiting to be said what it going to happen. Most of them suffer of a kind of cancer connected with their heads or neurological systems. The system here is focused on a patient, but I would say in a wrong way as it does not make a doctor to be responsible for a patient´s stage. They mostly let patients to make decision about themselves without explaining in detail to them what their situation is about. I think patients do not have enough knowledge to be able to make the right decision without having information from the doctor.

The system here is like this: you find a nep or you are told to have a tumour somewhere in your body. First of all you have to go for CT check-up and to get this you have to make an appointment. The waiting period differs, but it is mostly from 2 weeks up to 2-3 months with getting the results in 10-14 days after you have gone through the check-up. Afterwards you have to go for MRI which is the same system as CT and then you have to make an appointment at the surgeon. To get such a kind of appointment, you usually wait again from 2 weeks up to 3 months. However, you can make it quicker if you pay for that or if you try a private one. The prices differ very much from 10 euros for the enter check-up up to 150 euros. It depends what kind of problem you are going to solve. The rule is: the more serious problem you have, the more you pay. Finally when you are accepted in a hospital for an operation it can happen you will have to wait. The operating programme is done every day by the doctors. The urgent case coming by an ambulance after some accidents are always preferred which is good. Despite that I think it would be good to have a team which would solve only these kinds of cases. Then the doctors struggle with the situation about insurance companies here. There is a budget for operations and things done in a hospital, for instance there are money for only 10 operations of head in a month. If you are the 11th and if you are not an urgent case (I mean urgent brought by an ambulance right after the accident) then you are quite unlucky and you have to wait until you can be operated.  This way there are patients in the hospitals who wait 2 and also sometimes more weeks. And this is also the reason why from time to time the doctors welcome if patients decide to go rather home.

Seeing all those patients who are more or less lucky with their stages is not easy for me and makes me rather sad and sometimes even more nervous. Days are all the same with getting up at five in the morning, wards round around seven and then most morning and afternoon free.  The doctors are mean for telling me something regarding my stage. I have tried to talk to them several times, but without any feedback which would help me to solve my situation at least a bit. Hopefully I will get some news soon…

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